Finden Sie schnell starke magneten kaufen für Ihr Unternehmen: 241 Ergebnisse



ANTI-STRESS-KREISEL - HAND SPINNER - MIT BELEUCHTUNG Artikelnummer: 1238116 Gewicht: 0.037 Maße: 70x70x12 Verpackungseinheit: 200 Zolltarifnummer: 9503 00 9590
Seifenblättchen SALE

Seifenblättchen SALE

Seifenblättchen 15 stück, Ø 65 x 10 mm Artikelnummer: 919587 Druckfarben: 4 Gewicht: 20 gram
Seifenblättchen SALE

Seifenblättchen SALE

Seifenblättchen 15 stück, Ø 65 x 10 mm Artikelnummer: 919586 Druckfarben: 4 Gewicht: 20 gram
Anti-stress PU doctor

Anti-stress PU doctor

Anti-Stress-Doktor. PU. Artikelnummer: 162987 Gewicht: 0,013Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 15 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 15 mm Verpackungseinheit: 250
Anti-stress PU bulb

Anti-stress PU bulb

Anti-Stress-Glühbirne. PU. Artikelnummer: 163507 Gewicht: 0,025Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 30 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 25 mm Verpackungseinheit: 250
HasenSecco – 24 x Promo Secco 0,2 l , Slimlinedose

HasenSecco – 24 x Promo Secco 0,2 l , Slimlinedose

Auch der Osterhase freut sich über eine prickelnde Erfrischung. Verwöhnen Sie Ihre Kunden oder Mitarbeiter oder stoßen Sie gleich gemeinsam an! Diese 24 Slimline Dosen (je 200 ml) bereiten garantiert eine prickelnde Frühlingszeit und sind bei Damen wie Herren gleichermaßen beliebt. Auf Wunsch auch mit individuellem Etikett. Artikelnummer: 1409948 Gewicht: 7 Maße: 38 x 27,5 x 14 cm Zolltarifnummer: 22042109
Drückfiguren FLOWER POWER, 4-fach sortiert, 4-fach sortiert

Drückfiguren FLOWER POWER, 4-fach sortiert, 4-fach sortiert

Drückfiguren FLOWER POWER : 4-fach sortiert Artikelnummer: 274256 Gewicht: 0,042 kg Maße: Ø4,5 x 12,7 cm Verpackungseinheit: 160 Zolltarifnummer: 95030099900 Druckbereich: Tampondruck: 15 x 15 mm K1+H2 (4)
Bubble stick blower

Bubble stick blower

Seifenblasen in Form eines Stiftes. Füllmenge: 30 ml. Artikelnummer: 579138 Gewicht: 0,040Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 40 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 28 mm Verpackungseinheit: 200
Bubble stick blower

Bubble stick blower

Seifenblasen in Form eines Stiftes. Füllmenge: 30 ml. Artikelnummer: 579135 Gewicht: 0,040Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 40 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 28 mm Verpackungseinheit: 200
Bubble stick blower

Bubble stick blower

Seifenblasen in Form eines Stiftes. Füllmenge: 30 ml. Artikelnummer: 579134 Gewicht: 0,040Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 40 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 28 mm Verpackungseinheit: 200
Bubble stick blower

Bubble stick blower

Seifenblasen in Form eines Stiftes. Füllmenge: 30 ml. Artikelnummer: 579137 Gewicht: 0,040Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 40 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 28 mm Verpackungseinheit: 200
Bubble stick blower

Bubble stick blower

Seifenblasen in Form eines Stiftes. Füllmenge: 30 ml. Artikelnummer: 579133 Gewicht: 0,040Kg Maximalbreite Werbeanbringung: 40 mm Maximalhöhe Werbeanbringung: 28 mm Verpackungseinheit: 200
Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU Artikelnummer: 1430653 Druckbereich: 25 x 10 mm Druckfarben: max. 4 (Tampondruck) Maße: 5,0 x 5,0 x 5,0 cm Verpackungseinheit: 250 Zolltarifnummer: 95069990000
Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU Artikelnummer: 1430649 Druckbereich: 25 x 10 mm Druckfarben: max. 4 (Tampondruck) Maße: 5,0 x 5,0 x 5,0 cm Verpackungseinheit: 250 Zolltarifnummer: 95069990000
Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU Artikelnummer: 1430652 Druckbereich: 25 x 10 mm Druckfarben: max. 4 (Tampondruck) Maße: 5,0 x 5,0 x 5,0 cm Verpackungseinheit: 250 Zolltarifnummer: 95069990000
Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU Artikelnummer: 1430651 Druckbereich: 25 x 10 mm Druckfarben: max. 4 (Tampondruck) Maße: 5,0 x 5,0 x 5,0 cm Verpackungseinheit: 250 Zolltarifnummer: 95069990000
Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU

Anti-Stress-Ball 'Matchball' aus PU Artikelnummer: 1430650 Druckbereich: 25 x 10 mm Druckfarben: max. 4 (Tampondruck) Maße: 5,0 x 5,0 x 5,0 cm Verpackungseinheit: 250 Zolltarifnummer: 95069990000
Hasengold – 6 x Goldflockentraum Piccolo 0,2 l, Flasche klar

Hasengold – 6 x Goldflockentraum Piccolo 0,2 l, Flasche klar

Verschenken Sie exklusive Ostergrüße mit diesem prickelnden Piccolo (0,2 l, aromatisiertes, weinhaltiges Getränk). In jeder Flasche dieses 6er-Sets schwebt funkelndes und glänzendes 22-karätiges Blattgold auf bezaubernde Weise durch das Getränk. Auch geschmacklich ist der Secco, der mit einem Schuss fruchtigem Weinbergpfirsich-Likör harmonisch ergänzt wird, ein wahres Highlight. Der Osterhase würde Augen machen! Artikelnummer: 1409959 Gewicht: 2.7 Maße: 19 x 12,5 x 20 cm Zolltarifnummer: 22041098
Origineller Sekt "Merry Christmas" - Karton Gelb, 125 ml

Origineller Sekt "Merry Christmas" - Karton Gelb, 125 ml

Eine Kleinere gibt es nicht: 0,125 l hochwertiger Sekt brut in origineller Flasche mit Naturkork und Agraffe, Alkohol 12,5 % Vol. zzgl. 0,17 € Schaumweinsteuer in Deutschland! Präsentiert in origineller Schmuckwelle - in 4 Farben erhältlich. In 17 Standarddesigns ab 1 Stück oder in individuellem Design ab 120 Stück erhältlich. Auf Wunsch auch ohne Schmuckwelle erhältlich. Artikelnummer: 1074202 Zolltarifnummer: 22041098 Gewicht: 0.5 Maße: 7,5 x 7,5 x 12 cm Preishinweis: zzgl. 0,17 € Sektsteuer + Mwst.
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: RM. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: P EP EC PQ soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UI. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: I T UU RM soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: CEPQEFDEPC Soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU RM ER EE soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Nano Core. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: transformer. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Core grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Shapes grey: grey